Our Chautauqua Characters

Currently Available:
Harriet Tubman (1820-1913)
Frederick Douglass
W.E.B. DuBoise
Martin Delaney
Coralie Franklin Cook
Bessie Coleman
Pearl Buck
Edith Wharton
Memphis Tennessee Garrison
Eslanda Robeson
Ethel Waters
Rose Cousins
Elizabeth Catlett
Live Programs available:
Online Live Programs and Online Recorded Programs
Recorded VFTE Chautauqua performances are available, including question and answer sessions after the performance. Contact us for this exciting remote learning opportunity about black history.
Series 1
The American Civil War
2011-2015: VFTE Chautauqua commemorates the Journey of Freedom in America – Rebuilding a Nation: Fulfilling the Promise of Freedom is in memory of the historic Freedman’s community at Mitchellville, SC, the first self-governing Freedman’s Town in America. Beginning in November of 1862, before the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect, Mitchelville was built on the former Drayton Plantation on Hilton Head Island. It became known as “The Port Royal Experiment.” Union General Ormsby Mitchel proclaimed to the newly freed men and women, “You are in a position of responsibility. This experiment is to give you freedom, position, homes, your families, property, your own soil. It seems to me a better time is coming … a better day is dawning.”
Series 2
Trailblazers and Torchbearers Series
Click Characters below to view The Black History Chautauqua Portrayals of Ilene Evans
Ethel Waters: Taking a Chance on Love
Elizabeth Catlett: My Art Speaks for Both My Peoples
Rose Agnes Rolls Cousins: Black Dreams in Blue Skies
Coralie Franklin- Cook: LIfting As We Climb
Memphis Tennessee Garrison:They Call Me Ms. Memphis
Harriet Tubman: Behind Enemy Lines
Harriet Tubman: General Moses
Eslanda Robeson: I Will Not Sit Still
Bessie Coleman: Bronze Aviatrix
Series 3
At the Elders Feet: Conversations Across the Generations